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Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal in Force

Due to adverse weather conditions, public transport services may be limited or suspended. Flights may also be delayed or cancelled, and attractions may be closed. For your own safety, please avoid outdoor activities, and refer to the websites of relevant organisations for details.

For further assistance, please contact: 

Telephone directory: 1081
Transport Department: 1823
Flight enquiries: +852 2181 8888
Emergency services: 999
Hong Kong Observatory website:

Publications & Resources

Start planning your next event in Hong Kong and build a dynamic and effective proposal with our wealth of online resources.

MEHK e-Newsletter

Stay up to date - MEHK e-Newsletter provides you with everything you need to know about business events in Hong Kong to share with your clients, partners and business associates! 

Sign up now to keep abreast of the latest happenings in the Hong Kong MICE market. 

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Photo Library

Hong Kong Tourism Board's online photo gallery is where you can see MICE events in action and download copyright-free photos to insert the colour, vibrancy and diversity that Hong Kong has to offer right into your proposals.


Video Library

Check out our latest videos to learn about Hong Kong's unique role bridging mainland China and the world, the city’s ever-evolving infrastructures and new tourist offerings. Hong Kong is set to take your MICE events to new heights.

Hong Kong. Where You Can Achieve More

Hong Kong, Where You Can Achieve MORE

As a leading business hub and the world’s meeting place, Hong Kong is ideal to explore opportunities and exchange ideas. With its unique role as the Greater Bay Area’s MICE hub bridging Mainland China and the world, Hong Kong is ready to take your business events to new heights, making the most of the city’s ever-evolving infrastructure, new state-of-the-art offerings, fun and rewarding experiences, and our professional support.

Hong Kong Incentive Playbook. Up the Game for Your Team!

Welcome to the vibrant city of Hong Kong, where big ideas are born, creativity thrives, and unbreakable bonds are forged! Get ready to dive into our Incentive Playbook, your ultimate guide to unlocking over 100 unique and immersive experiences for your groups! Embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, where every moment is filled with excitement and rewards. It's time to take your team to new heights and up the game like never before!

Meet Hong Kong. Meet Greater Bay Area.

Given Hong Kong's unique role and connectivity in GBA, favourable government support and the MEHK team's superior supports for MICE professionals, MICE events staged in Hong Kong will unlock game-changing opportunities.

会一会香港 会一会世界 (only available in Simplified Chinese)

会一会香港在会议展览中的独特优势、丰富的国际商贸资源、不断升级的硬件设施、以及全新的活動體驗、旅游购物景点。 聚首香港,必定能够促进您的行业盛会走出去,会一会世界,再创高峰。

Hong Kong, Where You Can Achieve MORE

Hong Kong Incentive Playbook. Up the Game for Your Team!

Meet Hong Kong. Meet Greater Bay Area.

会一会香港 会一会世界 (only available in Simplified Chinese)

Hello Takes You to More

Hello Hong Kong – Hello Takes You To More

Embark on a captivating journey through Hong Kong, a city full of adventures, excitement, new perspectives and endless possibilities. From the awe-inspiring skyline to the bustling street markets, from tranquil nature to dynamic nightlife, every corner of our city offers a new perspective. Come say “Hello” to a city that always takes you to more unique discoveries.

Beautiful Destinations: The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Beauty in Hong Kong

From the serene landscapes of Lantau to the bustling streets in popular areas, Hong Kong offers a diverse range of experiences that will leave you in awe. Venture into the hidden corners of Hong Kong, where you will discover thriving art scenes, lush green hiking trails, charming fishing villages and buzzing night-time activities.

Hollywood Star Henry Golding’s Flash Visit to Hong Kong

Imagine having just 24 hours in Hong Kong — how crazy can that be? Join Crazy Rich Asians actor Henry Golding on his journey to some of the most exciting places and hidden gems in the city!

Hello Hong Kong – Hello Takes You To More

Beautiful Destinations: The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Beauty in Hong Kong

Hollywood Star Henry Golding’s Flash Visit to Hong Kong